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If you’ve been left with an abundance of stretched skin on the abdomen, a tummy tuck may be the sole method to restore the firm, sculpted figure you envision. At Radiance by Roller, every tummy tuck is a customized procedure that’s geared to create a slim, fit, and contoured appearance to the abdomen.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck, or “abdominoplasty,” is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and to tighten stretched or split abdominal muscles. The procedure steps will reflect your individual condition and what needs to occur to restore a slim, firm tummy zone. After bariatric surgery, excess skin on the abdomen can be an issue you want to resolve, and a tummy tuck resculpts the abdomen to be firm, taut, and sculpted: free from excess skin, fat, and some stretch marks appearing on the lower area of the abdomen.

What is the procedure?

A tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia. Each tummy tuck is customized for the individual, so the incision pattern may vary.

In most cases, once the patient is under anesthesia, an incision is placed on the lower abdomen from hip to hip, just above the pubic bone.

Through this incision, the excess skin is trimmed away and weakened abdominal muscles tightened and repaired.

Your custom tummy tuck at Radiance by Roller

Some patients may require a more thorough approach with an added incision from the bottom of the navel to the pubic bone, or from the upper abdomen to the pubic bone. A new opening for the belly button structure is created so that it appears in the proper spot. Once completed, the incision is closed with stitches, tapes, or surgical clips, and the treated area is protected with a special surgical garment.

Tummy tuck recovery: The road to a new you

Imagine the joy of being free of any excess abdominal skin left after a dramatic loss of weight. A tummy tuck is among the most rewarding of all cosmetic surgeries. You’ll need to plan for two to three weeks before returning to non-vigorous activities. You’ll also be wearing the compression garment for several weeks to protect the area and avoid fluid buildup.

Plan to have another adult drive you home after your surgery and ensure you follow all aftercare instructions carefully. For the first few days, you will want to rest, and you’ll need to have someone assist you. Eat a healthy, nutritious diet, drink plenty of water, and avoid any lifting, stretching, or motions that could put stress on the incisions. 

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Why choose us?

At Radiance by Roller, your tummy tuck will be performed by a surgeon who has focused on body contouring after dramatic losses of weight. Our experience, personal dedication to our patients, and experience in body contouring go beyond the ordinary. We work closely with Roller Weight Loss & Advanced Surgery to assist weight loss patients in achieving the final step in their journey to a happier, more confident life. Every tummy tuck is performed with precision and the most advanced surgical techniques in privacy and with total discretion. We invite you to meet with us and discover the premier center for body contouring: Radiance by Roller, with offices in Lafayette and Tulsa to serve you.

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The seminar will provide you with pertinent information about your weight loss surgery options, what to expect after surgery, insurance information, and how the surgeons and bariatric surgery experts at Roller Weight Loss and Advanced Surgery can help you. 

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