
Relationship challenges and weight loss surgery

Any relationship takes time, energy and effort if it is a priority. Throw in health challenges, lifestyle overhauls and weight loss surgery, and relationships can end up taking a backseat. At Roller Weight Loss & Advanced Surgery, we offer, and strongly encourage, support gro...

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Why is having a fellowship-trained surgeon important? 

Choosing a surgeon is a big decision, and there are many factors that should affect your choice. Level of training and expertise should be toward the top of that list. At Roller Weight Loss and Advanced Surgery, you can be assured you are in great hands. The surgeons at Roller Wei...

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Free Online Seminar

The seminar will provide you with pertinent information about your weight loss surgery options, what to expect after surgery, insurance information, and how the surgeons and bariatric surgery experts at Roller Weight Loss and Advanced Surgery can help you. 

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